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Becoming an AMIEF Accredited Provider delivers value every step of the way from the self-study process to the ongoing credibility

communicated in the marketplace.

Accreditation with AMIEF provides an opportunity to the academic

institutions and education providers to demonstrate

their abilities and commitment to maintaining their programs' quality

and to ensure that their programs meeting the required professional

academic level and meet quality standards set by that profession.

Accreditation with AMIEF also provides Credibility and a competitive

edge in the marketplace


AMIEF Accredited Provider status tells the world You've committed your organization

to a rigorous accreditation application and review process, involving extensive

hands-on evaluation and verification, Your policies and processes

have been thoroughly benchmarked against the

AMIEF Standard for Continuing Education and Training, you are improving

your methods, services, and build confidence and morale within the agency

and with the community it serves , and You've engaged the expertise of instructional

design professionals nationwide to make your continuing education and training the best it can be

Benefits of AMIEF Accreditation

  • To be recognized Internationally
  • To increase public confidence in the agency  
  • To reinforce understanding of agency policies and procedures by agency personnel
  • To provide a systemized agency self-assessment 

  • To meet International Requirements and Standards
  • To gain community respect 
  • To identify administrative and operational effectiveness
  • To ensure recruitment, selection, and promotion processes are fair and equal
  • To increase productivity

  • To improve agency morale and pride
  • To potentially reduce liability insurance costs
  • To provide state and local recognition of professional competence
  • To increase credibility

AMIEF Accreditation strengthens your capabilities. With AMIEF, the journey to accreditation is as valuable as the destination. AMIEF accreditation and certification process ensure the wealth of information that programs can utilize to deliver the very best education for their students

AMIEF accreditation process provides the Standards for continuing education and training programs and the latest best practices in adult learning

AMIEF Develops systems of institutional review and evaluation that are adaptive to institutional context and purposes


AMIEF accreditation and certification follows the official

standards for continuing education and training programs, besides,

it is a part of the training and education providers’ programs,

which will save them money, time and staff resources

AMIEF accreditation can raise the standard for education

in an industry or profession at no additional cost to the regulatory agency

Improve scalability

Learning organizations that have consistent quality and robust training processes and policies are naturally more scalable than organizations that do not. Numerous organizations achieved AMIEF accreditation has made expansion of their organization easier and more productive

Satisfy regulatory requirements

In many industries, professions, and providers, maintaining AFEA accreditation assures meeting regulatory requirement set which will  protect the integrity of professional education

Quality international recognition

AMIEF accreditation means that you receive quality international recognition that promotes best practices in education, and directly involves the faculty and staff in self-assessment and continuous quality improvement processes


When a customer or a learner makes a choice between two providers for training, if one provider has accreditation and the other does not and all other things are equal, who has the competitive advantage? In almost all circumstances, the provider who has accreditation 

  AMIEF accreditation promotes deep institutional engagement with issues of educational effectiveness and student learning, develop and share good practices in assessing and improving the teaching and learning process.

AMIEF accreditation develops and applies standards to review and improve educational quality and institutional performance, and validate these standards and revising them through ongoing research and feedback

With AMIEF accreditation, you benefit from a comprehensive audit of your organization’s training program by a Commission of professionals from across the United States. At the end, you’ll have a framework for continuous improvement, from managing your professional training events efficiently to developing the best possible learning programs

American International Education Federation


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 International Education Federation

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